zaterdag 20 november 2010

Twitter in the spots!

My greatest supporters from Puerto Rico have the amazing Twitter you must follow! They are nice to the fans, ask things about the boys and the most of all, they support the boys always!
A little introducing:

@wearebtrfans is a recently-made account for all of those big time rush fans out there(: We speak spanish(; The (weare's) are from Puerto Rico. We follow back every single person & we list back everyone who lists us(: We ask questions to our followers about big time rush's episodes,songs and them! We love supporting Big time rush & so our followers too. Saturdays and Sundays our BTR-fan-followers send us Pictures of themselves & so we make a collage & use it for our BG (:
So get your but on Twitter and follow them!

You can also follow:


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