donderdag 10 februari 2011

BTR Translation from German Bravo!

Worst thing you've ever done!

Logan: I’m a skateboard freak! When I wasn’t a part of Big Time Rush, I stood almost everyday on my board, and drove with my boys through a mall in Dallas/Texas. Of course it wasn’t allowed to skate. But we didn’t care. We even made competitions out of it! Who made it first through the mall, without getting caught by the security, won! That was a great feeling!
James: I always liked to tease others with water bombs! The noise it does, when this thing hits, is just awesome! But one of my tricks went totally wrong! It happened when I still went to school in San Diego. I climbed with a mate on a hill next to a street – from up there, you could aim perfectly on the cars and the people. We once caught some older and muscle-bound seniors! They were really angry and even called the police! But the worst thing: They climbed up the hill and pursued us. I was really scared, they’d kill us! But thank god, we were faster!
Carlos: I was about twelve when I went to a shop with my mum. I wanted these great chewing gums, but she didn’t allow me to buy them. I was so mad that I stole them! I ran to the toilet and stuffed some of them in my mouth. But I suddenly felt really guilty. I spat them back into the packing and put it back on the shelf. Disgusting, isn’t it? My parents haven’t had it so easy with me. I always taped the garage entrace too.
Kendall: The worst thing I’ve done so far was two years ago in my hometown Wichita/Kansas. I visited my dad at his work. He owns a construction company, and his office was located next to a highway. On the way to him, I collected stones and threw them on the windshields of passing cars. The stones weren’t big enough to break the glass, but it made a really loud noise. When I hit another car, it suddenly stopped: A woman came out, stormed angrily towards to me and took me to the office of my dad. My dad was shocked, and I got into trouble! Rightly! Today I know that it wasn’t really cool...

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